No Primitives
Kata Level: 3 Kata: FizzBuzz 1° Focus: No Primitives 2° Focus: TDD By the book Time: 60 minutes Challenge: I had inspiration this...
The Problem Is the Lie
Kata Level: 2 Kata: FizzBuzz 1° Focus: TDD By the book Time: 60 minutes Challenge: After having just done a CodeRetreat the previous day...
By the Book TDD
Kata Level: 2 Kata: FizzBuzz 1° Focus: TDD By the book Time: 60 minutes Challenge: Back to basics, just focus on TDD. Started off with...
Awesome Analyst!
Kata Level: 2 Kata: FizzBuzz 1° Focus: TDD Time: 60 minutes In a apprentice level kata today I observed something that showed the power...
Serverless Event Based Microservice Kata
Kata Level: 3 Kata: FizzBuzz 1° Focus: Event based microservice Time: 60 minutes Challenge: Working with a C#/Azure shop and needing to...
Kata Intro
Kata Intro Number of Participants: 16 Overall Challenges: Only half the participants had an IDE. 3 were non-developers. 2 were Java...
The First Step of the Journey
Kata Level: 1 Kata: FizzBuzz 1° Focus: Kata Intro This is where it all begins. Started with a new team, six people, who have never done...